Chelsey here wrapping up the Y.E.S. Tour
Statistics: (Tour total)
- Days it took us to miss our bikes: 3
- Miles: 1080+
- Days riding: 32
- River Miles: 54
- rock climbs: 108
- Slackline walks: too many to count
- Handstands: 1000's
- Sun- Salutations: 108
- Gallons of Milk: 20+ (Sam alone drank 15)
- Flat Tires: 33
- Workshops taught: 27
- Child patients visited: 24
- Serious crashes: 1
- New Friends: hundreds
The good news is that we have our cars back. Many, many thanks goes out to the Vail Police for being so supportive and helpful. We also are very thankful for our friend Rachel who looks after us at our safehouse #44. She tried everything in her ability to help us out.
Aside from that, this tour couldn't have ended more perfectly. There is always a little twist at the end of our adventures, and lots of the time, it happens every day. We are quite used to it. The main thing is is that we are all healthy and in high spirits. We had an amazing time here in Colorado and are for sure going to come back again and again.. and again! To have been able to bring awareness to Yoga, Sustainability and Beads of Courage to so many communities was our main goal. I think we went well beyond that goal and even surprised our selves with what the outcome was. We were able to raise over $3,000 for Beads of Courage , do 108 climbs, 54 miles of river, do well over 108 handstands (I think I completed 108 in one afternoon alone), countless sun-salutations and thousands of walks across the slackline. We were on the road for 32 days and completed 1080 miles. Much to our surprise, we are eager to get back on the bikes and do another tour. We are thinking 10,080 miles across the country next time. We had many, many memorable experiences on this tour, so many in fact, I think we would have to make a whole separate website for it. However, to the best of our ability, here is a list of some that come to mind:
- Being able to be a part of bringing communities together.
- All of the amazing home stays.
- All of the offers to adopt us.
- Meeting the children at The Denver Children's Hospital
- Getting to pick out 2 entire outfits from Beckons Organics at Becky's house
- Having Glenn meet us on his bike in Pueblo
- Getting surprised with Marcee's connection to us through beads of her own.
- All of the amazing food that was cooked for us! (Anne and Pat, Katy and Keith, Becky, Stephanie, Amy and Caroline.. and many more!)
- Seeing our friends Adi, Ben and Rachel at the very end of our tour
- The amazing gear (Ibex bike shorts, Ergon grips, Pac Outdoors paniers, U-hydration, Eastern Essence food, etc)
- Having a guy stop twice to give us food and water.
- Getting inspired by so many amazing people
- Getting to the top of awesome passes.. and then getting to go down them at mach speeds!
- Being able to do this tour fully sustainably with some of my favorite people
- All of our spontaneous random slackline and handstand stops
- Sam's chocolate chip cookies
- Dan's dry sense of humor
- Tom's ability to ham it up for the camera
- Sam and Tom's russian acrobatic show
- Jason's motivation... (even if we didn't like it at the time)
- all of the yoga and rock climbing .. and slacklining.. and, and.. ok I should stop.
Thank you once again for all of your support and donations. We will continue to work with Beads of Courage for our adventure races and awareness tours. Lots of love, Team Yogaslackers
YogaSlackers YES Tour 2009 at SpotAdventures
Map created by SpotAdventures:GPS Geotagging
Thank you Jason, Chelsey, Sam and Tom for bringing so much inspiration, encouragement, amazement, charm, and fun to the children and adults in Colorado. We miss you and talk of you and your life of open-heartedness and strength. with love Marcee & Glenn in Pueblo p.s. see you soon - remember you promised!