Monday, July 13, 2009

YES Tour - Epilogue (kinda)

We had intended this blog to be sort of a summary of the totals of the Tour. To talk about the fun at the Telluride Yoga Festival. We wanted to report the amount of money we raised for Beads of Courage, the number of people we reached, etc....but we have run into a bit of a problem.

A week ago, we were notified by the police that our cars (which we'd left in Vail) were about to be sold at auction. We'd left them in a free parking garage, with no posted signs about parking limitations. Our friend and Vail local, Rachel, was checking on them every few days. A week before the end of the tour, they were both towed after having a police sticker put on them with a "move in 24 hours or else" notice. The PLC was towed first, and the police notified because the tow truck driver saw drugs in the door. After a search with the drug dogs, it turned out that what the driver had seen was a bag of Mate and the bombilla (metal straw for drinking mate tea). The police searched the entire car and also found a Vicadin from Sam's recent eye surgery in an unmarked bottle. The police emailed us, to tell us the cars were to be auctioned.

We called the police, as did Rachel, and explained the situation. An officer named Ryan was incredibly understanding, and had the vehicles moved to the police impound lot, rather than the city one. He couldn't do anything about the $500 towing charges, but sent us over to talk to the towing company.

So that is where we stand. We are meeting with the towing company owner tonight. We are hoping that if we tell our story, he will understand our journey and who we were doing it for - the kids. Wish us luck.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If what you were doing was easy everyone would be doing it to. Just another mountain (made of paper) to use your courage, skills patience and persistence to climb. I suggest using Chelsey's charm to melt the judge to drop the fee. Or, have you seen Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? (either Sam or Chelsey could play Sundance's role). Should we get the kids at McClelland school to write letters of appeal for you? Sorry for your extra hardship. Glenn
