Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yogaslackers bring enCOURAGEment to Denver Childrens Hospital

Chelsey Here:
My anxious feelings woke me up early this morning. I meditated for a while, trying to coax myself back to bed. I finally fell back asleep after succumbing to my hunger pains for some of Sam's cookies. After eating two cookies and a glass of milk I finally fell back to sleep. Becky woke us up with homemade pumpkin and blackberry scones. By 8:30am we had our mats out in her back yard. We had a beautiful, fun practice in the company of Becky, her son Zane, her daughter Peyton, and two more friends of theirs. We had a fun warm up and then ended with some juicy, deep partner stretches. By 10:45 we were refreshed, fed and ready to go share our energy with the children at the Denver Children's Hospital. We were greeted yet again by Laurel, Ivy and Margie. Jessie, Tyler and their mom also made a guest appearance. The girls are all talented climbers competing in the national circuit, and have become amazing young YogaSlackers as well. With the girls help, we were able to put on quite a show in the middle of the atrium. Some children, their families and nurses were able to come watch. 2 hours later we were taking some of the nurses up into the air, giving them much needed therapeutic inverted massages. The girls passed out joy, hope and courage coins, while the moms passed out care beads to all of the passing nurses.
After our Demo, Sam and I taught a short and sweet yoga class... our third yoga class for the day! At 2, we were lead up to the children's oncology unit. I had a mixture of excitement and nervousness inside me as we rode the elevator up to the 7th floor. I must admit I am still digesting this whole experience. Jason, Sam and I were all more than overjoyed to be able to meet the children and have them pick their Beads of Courage from our hands. These beads have been through a lot, and have cultivated so much good, healing and loving energy. One in particular had been with Sam for the last 6 months... up and down Mt Rainier, down miles and miles of rivers and up countless climbs. Sure enough, that was the first bead to be picked by three little girls. They were waiting down in the atrium for their sister who was getting a bone marrow transplant. We gave all most all of our YES Tour beads away to the kids on the unit. John Cary, a fourteen year old boy was super stoked to receive our beads. We were in turn honored for him to have our beads. He hiked up and over the Continental Divide with a tumor wrapped around his heart. Now that is strength. We had fun swapping adventure stories, and told him to come join our team once he was feeling better;) We met lots of parents as well and were able to give them a bead of courage. The parents love being apart of the program as it helps them cope with their child's illness in a lot of the same ways.

After a long day at the hospital we rode 5 miles back to our safe house. Becky was cutting fresh strawberries and making guacamole when we walked through the door. We had not eaten anything all day so coming home to her fresh, home cooked meals are beyond words. We greatly appreciate them!
After we nourished ourselves on almonds and strawberries... and of course cookies.. we were off to the pool again for some more food and good conversation. We were in good company with Becky, her family and their family friends. While feasting over a delicious meal of salmon, salad, strawberries and kiwis Becky, her friend and I reminisced about our favorite clothes. Every girl has those few articles of clothing that they absolutely loved and just cannot let go of even though it is down to it's last threads. It was so fun talking to a clothes designer who just gets it. I am for sure going to send her my mojo wonderwoman tank.... you never know... It could come back! We biked home on full bellies, feeling very grateful and alive. Tonight we will most likely be up late editing and packing up for our ride to Colorado Springs!

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