Miles ridden - 10
Handstands - 1
AcroYoga - Lots and Lots
We got to sleep in today. Worked on the computer. Answered emails. Ate muffins for breakfast. Played with the dog. The morning passed quickly with a multitude of coffee, tea, milk, granola and easy yoga.
As we headed into town for our workshops, Dan still could not pedal with his left leg. After we were about halfway there, he decided to head back to the house and sit out the workshop in hopes of better recovering for the days ahead. So just as in Aspen, we ended up at the workshop with three.
Map created by SpotAdventures:GPS GeotaggingThe Steamboat Yoga Center was beautiful, with the Yampa river running straight outside the big glass window. We were pleasantly surprised to find the studio full of people. After an introduction and brief explanation of the YES tour and Beads of Courage, we asked all the participants- "What takes courage for you in your life?"
Chelsey, Sam and I taught a wonderful class, and were really touched by the way that the mostly new crowd embraced all of the elements of the AcroYoga practice. Many people worked through some fear or instability, but by the end the whole group was really connected and flying each other in forward flying therapeutics.
We ended the workshop with a demo and a heart opening chant. We passed our samples of RawRev bars, and U-hydration tablets, and I was happy to know that my bike would be at least a pound lighter on the next leg.
The three of us were now starving (wishing we'd saved at least a bar or two for ourselves), but headed straight for Toots park to give a slackline demo. Somehow we seem to get too excited to eat when we are sharing our passions. Luckily, our host Keith showed up at the park, and after learning the basics of standing on the line, he invited us to hurry home for dinner (wonderful stirfry). No need to ask us twice. We stuck around for a bit longer, teaching a few more people the basics and then rode home on tired legs.
Dinner was great, and hearing the story of how our hosts Katie and Keith met hilarious. For dessert we were spoiled with ice cream, fresh strawberries, and chocolate syrup. Sam was in heaven.
As we did the dishes, Dan dropped a bomb. After consulting several people in the health field by phone, he was pretty certain that he had serious tendonitis of the MCL. Bad news. We are discussing our options tonight.
Keep Dan (and his knee) in your thoughts. Tomorrow we will stay in Steamboat, maybe climbing, or paddling the Yampa, but mostly figuring out what comes next. Any budding YogaSlackers out there looking for something to do this summer? We may have a heavy trailer that needs pullin'....
Loved having you here in Steamboat to share your individual goodness and the goodness of Acroyoga! Tima md I are excited about adding a slackline to our yard to continue and share the practice. Hope you will visit us again or even consider SB as a place to land for an extended stay:) Blessings, Lauri Aigner