Ok - just to keep us honest, I think we will start our blogs with an update on the statistics of the trip so far. This was our first serious say of travel on the bike, but officially the tour kicked off on the 4th, with the start of the Teva Games, so some of our stats start then.
Miles 72
Handstands (each): 3
Sun Salutes (each): 4
Climbing pitches: 0
Whitewater miles (cumulative): 33
Trail run/hike miles (Cumulative): 7
Single track (cumulative): 12
I probably left stuff out, but this is a good start. We left Rachel's house about 9:30 AM and stopped biking at about 9:30 PM. Long, long day. After our 24 hour delay/late start, we changed our route to a longer, but less steep road to Aspen. It was a GOOD decision.
As is par for the course, none of us had ever even used a BOB trailer or paniers before. The first 10 or so miles saw Dan and I (pulling the trailers) fighting crazy wobbles and realizing that the weight distribution on our bikes was way off.
It turns out that Dan and I were both carrying 100% of our weight. His set up was 190lbs, mine was 135lbs. It was brutal - kinda like towing a really lame teammate during an adventure race.
We stopped a few times, trespassed through a closed section of trail, did yoga on the concrete in front of a bank, and handstands in the middle of the road (to the consternation of oncoming drivers).
The end of the day saw us doing a horrible 3 mile climb up to a beautiful house (belonging to river guide friends of Chelsey - she seems to know EVERYONE in Coloradoo). The climb was almost too much, and had me regurgitating bits of dinner into my mouth...gross, I know.
Tomorrow we ride into Aspen, teach slacklining, and then ride back to here....my butt is already sore.
Your journey looks like a lot of fun! I'd love to do something like this one day. You guys amaze me :)Can't wait to see you in Colorado at the Telluride festival